Innovation can be researched by academics, debated by analysis and explained by commentators, but only really understood when in the presence of a true innovator. Innovation in product design, technology, corporate behaviour, the arts or any aspect of creative endeavour can be enough to separate the great from the good, and set a company leagues ahead of their competitors. JLA will connect you with the best innovation speakers, from tech entrepreneurs to future trends speakers, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your business, the audience and the message you want to convey at your conference or event.
Explore JLA’s roster of innovation keynote speakers and take your event to the next level.
The inspiration from listening first-hand to true innovators is priceless, especially when that story-telling and revelation are carefully applied to a specific audience or a team’s journey.
More often than not, the best post-keynote buzz our Account Managers have seen came after a brilliant speech on innovation, leaving an audience raring to return to work and begin implementing impactful, lasting change off the back of a conference speaker's words. Our speakers have a profound impact on their audiences, inspiring them to act and make a difference.
No matter the brief, you will be assigned one of our dedicated, expert JLA Account Managers who will connect you with the perfect innovation keynote speakers for your event.
When you're looking to book an expert Innovation Speaker, we will:
Listen to and follow your brief.
Offer a range of choices and share client feedback and personal recommendations.
Negotiate fees on your behalf and look after every detail.
Contact us today, and let’s start the conversation on how JLA can bring the very best innovation speakers to your event.
We’ve all heard the business quote ‘Innovate or die’ and heard cautionary tales of companies that failed to keep up with the times and fell by the wayside (I’m looking at you… Read full article.
My passion is educating for digital equality. I want to make a difference in the world, through reporting and speaking about the digital revolution. I never talk about server parks. I never… Read full article.