
87 Barts Close
87 Bartholomew Close


17 September 2024


09:00 - 10:00


The world has seemed especially precarious over the last few years, with a number of geopolitical shocks taking place that make the world seem less and less certain, and increasingly challenging for governments, businesses and individuals to navigate.

If you can make it, please join us at 87 Barts’ Close, on Tuesday 17th September, where we will hear from three fantastic speakers on navigating risk and uncertainty and how to cope with them.




In Praise of the Female Business Leader
Posted on 15.09.24 by Dennis Perry

In Praise of the Female Business Leader

In the early days of the speaker bureau, clients were routinely booking the same profile of keynote speaker: male, middle aged and often balding. Those days are gone, and the rise of… Read More

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Geopolitical Speakers to Share Insights on the 2024 US Election
Posted on 02.09.24 by Brogan West

Geopolitical Speakers to Share Insights on the 2024 US Election

The 2024 U.S. elections are fast approaching, marked by a series of highly significant developments on both sides. This period is filled with questions, concerns, and debates that will inevitably shape the… Read More

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