Confused and brain fogged? How about a keynote speaker to help you to work out what’s going on in your head?
We don’t know what’s going on anymore. The world has changed drastically in the last two years, we’re struggling to work out what’s going to happen next and there have been so many U-turns anything could be around the corner. Whether we’re working in the office or working from home, the one place we are every single day is inside our own heads. Perhaps it’s time to take a minute to consider what’s going on in there? A better understanding of this can make us better leaders, better colleagues and more productive workers. Maybe a keynote speech with an insight into psychology might be able to help us with all this…
Daniel Glaser
Daniel is a neuroscientist, and understands how what’s going on in our heads influences the minutiae of our daily lives. From decision making to creativity, a keynote speech from Daniel offers a fascinating insight into the mind. Audiences will be left with a better understanding of how they tick, and some useful tools to cope with what’s outside their heads as well as inside. Daniel’s experience as a writer and broadcaster means his sessions are genuinely informative and make complex neuroscience a joy to learn about.
Nathalie Nahai
Webs of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasion
Many people have spent more time than ever in the digital world during the pandemic – Nathalie can offer insights into how our behavior changes online and how we’re being manipulated by brands. Social media is another theme that appears in Nathalie’s research, something increasingly of interest as we delve into the Metaverse. Her keynote speech might cover marketing, trust or social responsibility online – expanding into the ethics and integrity of selling goods and services online.
Jenny Radcliffe
Social Engineer & Security Expert
Have you ever wondered how to break into a bank? Jenny can help you there. Her fascinating, and slightly terrifying, anecdotes are an insight into how the human element is the weak link in security measures – in real life and online. She reveals how social engineering techniques can be used to manipulate people into giving away access to valuable resources, whether that’s a multi-million pound business or your personal savings.
Linda Papadopoulos
Psychologist & Commentator
Linda is an influential and high-profile psychologist who’s worked with organisations as large as the NHS as well as individuals and business leaders on a personal level. Her work covers a wide range of psychology – from personal wellbeing to behavioural psychology in marketing – and she can help audiences work out how to achieve work-life balance and deal with uncertainty. A keynote speech from Linda will leave your audiences with a greater understanding of themselves and better prepared to deal with the world around them.
To book any of the above science and health speakers for your event contact JLA here.