Ideas on Business Speakers

10 Top Business Speakers for 2025
Posted on 10.03.25 by JLA

10 Top Business Speakers for 2025

The speaking world is filled with outstanding experts who have carved out their fortunes and successes in all corners of business and industry. From leaders of multinational banks to sporting directors and… Read full article.

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A Speaking Agency’s 6 Step Guide To Public Speaking
Posted on 14.10.24 by Simon King

A Speaking Agency’s 6 Step Guide To Public Speaking

You’ve been asked to present at the company conference. It’s an honour. Apparently. But all you can think about is a room of judgemental peers, staring at you, like some fevered anxiety… Read full article.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Business Speakers

Why can’t I find a Business Speaker from my industry?
Unfortunately, some industries simply produce fewer leading figures with the combination of skills, engagement and ability to adapt their knowledge to a wide range of audiences and circumstances. A great speaker is a rare thing, so it’s not surprising that this is the case. And whilst industry-specific experience can help, many audiences benefit from hearing an outside perspective on their sector or a different set of insights. JLA can guide you through the details of which speakers will fit your themes and audience, and who can take on board the details of an industry and tailor their content.
When would I need a business speaker?
Business speakers are a fantastic addition to any corporate conference, leadership development or team-building event, or anywhere that there is an opportunity for a group to learn. They are adept at using their experience to deliver powerful presentations that inspire positive change within your organisation. A keynote speaker can also help attract attendees to an event.

Speakers can help open an event by putting your goals or organisation in a wider context, or providing ideas to reflect on throughout the day. They can close an event, rounding up what has gone before and providing action points for the future. But you don’t need to be hosting a large-scale event. A speaker can engage with an audience of almost any size and can often be a part of training or workshop events, leadership briefings, or team updates. A business speaker provides an outside perspective and expertise that any audience will value.
How can a speaker from a different background understand our business?
Business speakers bring transferable expertise and ideas, covering areas such as leadership, innovation, or team building, which applies across all industries, departments and levels of seniority. JLA recommend experienced speakers who absorb the important details, experiences and priorities represented in the room and use that to shape their content. A briefing call will be arranged to ensure they have the inside knowledge they need to shape their presentation, and combined with their own research, they will deliver a speech that is relevant, insightful and original.
How can a speaker from a different background understand our business?
Business speakers use their first-hand experience and knowledge and apply this to a particular time, place and organisation to help them solve a problem, overcome a challenge, perform better, adapt and learn. They do this through engaging, sometimes entertaining presentations that leave attendees feeling informed and inspired to make plans and take action.

Keynote presentations typically last for between 25 and 45 minutes, with time for questions or an on-stage interview at the end, usually filling a roughly 60-minute speaking slot. This can be flexible, and may change from speaker to speaker or based on the type of event they’re addressing, so it’s always worth discussing what’s possible and appropriate with a JLA Account Manager.
How much do business speakers cost?
JLA work with clients of all types, from small businesses to trade and industry bodies to global brands and organisations. We understand that budgets can vary significantly. We offer access to speakers across a wide range of fees, from a few thousand pounds to six-figure sums, but because those we work with represent a certain level of experience, seniority and expertise, it may not be possible to recommend a speaker for very low budgets. For an idea of what sort of speaker might be possible for your budget, contact JLA.
What do you base your recommendations on?
Before recommending business speaker options, we will discuss your expectations, event goals, audience, budget and theme. With over 30 years of experience placing speakers in every type of event possible, all over the world, and with details of over 11,000 speakers on our database, we are confident we will be able to recommend the best fit for you.
Do we get a briefing call with our business speaker ahead of the event?
Yes, when you book a business speaker through JLA we will arrange a pre-event briefing call between you, your team, and the speaker to ensure their content fits with your event and audience. We will discuss a written brief to be provided to the speaker before the call, and maintain and organise any further communication, as required, up to the event itself.